Cabinet approves construction of third line between Rajnandgaon-Nagpur (Kalumna) The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval for construction of third line between Rajnandgaon-Nagpur (Kalumna) in Rajnandgaon district of Chhattisgarh and Gondia, Bhandara and Nagpur districts in Maharashtra at an estimated cost of Rs.1,908.51 crore and expected completion cost of Rs.2,193.53 crore. The 228.3 km long railway line is expected to be completed in five years. Besides facilitating the travel, various industries, mines, coal fields and power plants will have additional transport capacity to meet their requirement. Rajnandgaon district of Chhattisgarh and Gondia, Bhandara and Nagpur districts of Maharashtra will be major beneficiaries. Background: Rajnandgaon-Kalumna line forms a part of Howrah-Mumbai trunk route serving freight and passenger traffic from Eastern and Southern regions to Northern and Western regions and vice versa over the country. There has been demands on account of accelerated industrial and mining developments in the region and coal traffic from IB valley, Korba area and East Corridor which would be channelized by the third line through this route to their respective destinations.