Chennai Airport :Operational Status Update At 1730 hours today, the water has receded in the manoeuvring area at Chennai airport and the runways and the taxiways are clear of water. The Foreign Object Debris have been removed from the operational area and required repair work on runway and taxiways has been carried out. Serviceability status of all Airport Systems, inter alia CNS equipment, IT systems, Met equipment are under evaluation. . A team of the Airports Authority of India has carried out inspection of the operational area of the Chennai airport. and in consultation with all the stakeholders, including all airline operators and regulatory authorities, declared that Chennai aerodrome is available for limited day time operations under Visual Meteorological Conditions for technical ferry and relief flight.. Subsequently, this would be upgraded to all weather operations as and when facilities are restored. All efforts are being made to make the aerodrome available for all flights for all weather operations at the earliest.