At present, the responsibility for furnishing data on area, production and yield of different crops lies with State Agricultural Statistics Authorities (SASAs) in various States/UTs. However, Government of India provides financial support to State/UT Governments under the Sub-scheme on improvement of Agricultural Statistics (IAS) which has three components viz. Timely Reporting Scheme (TRS), Establishment of an Agency for Reporting of Agricultural Statistics (EARAS) and Improvement of Crop Statistics (ICS). The estimates are prepared on the basis of area enumeration and yield assessment through Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) in a sample of about 20% villages selected in such a manner that over a period of 5 years all the villages of a State/UT are covered. The area enumeration and CCEs are generally done by the field functionaries of State Revenue/Agriculture Departments. Under the ICS Scheme, States/UTs are provided support for sample check of area enumeration and CCEs to ensure quality of primary data collected by States/UTs.