Union Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Sh. Ananth Kumar has said that the Government will act as a facilitator and not as regulator of the Petrochemicals Sector. Speaking at Petrochemical Conclave at Gurgaon today, he said that the sector needs an investment of over Rs. 60,000 crore in near future and assured that the Government is ready to provide the investment. Reiterating the Prime Ministers clarion call of Make in India, the Minister said that the Government is ready to address the basic issues concerning the sector of Petrochemicals and downstream industries, like environment, infrastructure and incentives. He said in the last budget, the Government had taken several steps to correct anomalies and boost the sector, and the process is likely to continue in the forthcoming budget. Sh. Ananth Kumar said that the petrochemical demand is growing. He said that the sector provides value addition to the chain of petroleum products.