Guidelines Regarding Pre-Recorded Announcements in Trains At present in trains like Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Duronto Express trains having public address system, pre-recorded announcements are made at the time of departure of train from the train originating station/intermediate station and also at the time of arrival of the train at intermediate station/destination. Ministry of Railways has now decided that to educate the passengers about various provisions involving the welfare of the passengers as well as Railways, pre-recorded messages should be played during the run of the train in such trains having public announcement system inter alia announcing the following : - Please do not give Tips (bakshish) to waiters. In case of any demand of Tip by a waiter, please make a complaint to the onboard ticket checking staff. Smoking and creating nuisance under intoxication is not permissible in the trains. Any passenger found violating this provision is liable to be taken up under extant provisions of law. We seek the support of our esteemed travelers in keeping our stations and trains clean. Indian Railways firmly believe that together, we, that is, the Indian Railways and its patrons, can through their joint endeavor successfully to keep the stations clean under the Swachh Bharat Mission. Please crush disposable water bottles, provided to you after use or rake it with after the journey. Indian Railways provides On-Board Housekeeping Service for cleaning of toilets and compartments on run in trains. You can contact OBSH staff for any cleaning requirement. As per Railway Act, any person affecting cleanliness & hygiene at Railway premises including trains, Railway tracks and other property belonging to Railways can be penalized with fine up to Rs. 500/-. For their own safety passengers should desist from accepting the food offered by unknown fellow passengers. Please be familiar with all emergency exist windows location in the coach and follow displayed instructions for its operation. Do not operate emergency windows without valid reason. Please crush disposable water bottles, provided to you after use or take it with you after the journey so as to not reuse. Please dial 138 for any on-board complaint and 139 for train related information. Please Dial 182 for security related complaints. Zonal Railways may also add other announcements as they deem fit. The number of announcements, their periodicity and time at which these messages will be played, will be decided by the Zonal Railways themselves, keeping in view the timings of trains so that the passengers are not inconvenienced.