India-Russia Joint Army Exercise Indra-2015 in Bikaner to Focus on Counter Terrorism Indian and Russian Armies would be conducting a joint military exercise as a part of a continuing series of annual joint exercises under the banner 'Exercise INDRA-2015'. A 250 member strong Russian Army contingent would arrive in Bikaner for INDRA-2015 for the joint exercise to be held with the Indian Army from 07 November to 20 November 2015. Exercise INDRA-2015 is the seventh edition in a series of bilateral exercises under this banner. The joint exercise this year would focus on 'Counter Terrorism Operations in Desert Terrain under a United Nations Mandate'. To achieve inter operability in joint operations in the future, troops from an Independent Russian Motorised Brigade and Indian Army's Infantry Battalion would initially acquaint themselves with the approach to such operations, Command and Control systems as well as arms and equipment of each other. The joint training would also focus on ensuring a high degree of physical fitness, tactical drills, techniques and procedures. A comprehensive training program for a period of four weeks has been worked out for the same. During the exercise, participants will engage in variety of missions including joint planning, Cordon and Search operations, Search and Rescue, joint tactical drills and special arms skills. The exercise would be conducted in two phases, namely 'Combat Conditioning & Tactical Training' and 'Validation' phases. The exercise would be witnessed by senior Indian as well as Russian Generals. The broadened and unprecedented scope of the exercise stands as a testimony to the deep and mature, 'people to people' as well as 'military to military' ties between Russia and India. Col Rohan Anand, SM PRO (Army)