Inspire younger generation to engage in Indological research, says President MukherjeeThe President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee interacted with prominent Indologists of Russia today (May 10, 2015) in Moscow. Addressing the distinguished Indologists, the President said although their work ensures that they are always inter-connected with India and its history, culture, heritage, politics and arts. India appreciates their contribution in promoting better understanding of India in Russia. At the same time, it is also important to inspire the younger generation to engage in Indological research by giving it contemporary relevance and making it not only intellectually stimulating but also professionally rewarding. The President announced that the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) will institute an annual Distinguished Indologist award for promoting Indology aboard. He also announced that ICCR will organize a regional conference on Sanskrit and Indology in Russia. Support for the Indian Chair in the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences from ICCR will also be continued for another two years.