Law Ministrys Consultative Committee Meeting The Minister for Law and Justice Shri D. V. Sadananda Gowda has said that the National Litigation Policy, 2015 aims to suggest mechanism to reduce the Government litigation and to make Government as an Efficient and Responsible litigant. He was responding to concerns of the Members of the Consultative Committee of the Parliament attached to his Ministry on the framing of National Litigation Policy, 2015 which was the Agenda Item for the meeting held today. The Minister said that the policy suggest mechanism to reduce filing of cases by or against the Government. It also aims to transform Government as an Institution which does not believe in entering into unnecessary and avoidable litigation in the courts by taking appropriate steps at pre-litigation stage itself. During the meeting members of the Committee Shri Kalyan Bannerjee and Shri Ayannur Manjunath , said there is dire need to change the Arbitration system and emphasized that there should be a fixed time frame for any Arbitration. They also vouched for the cost effectiveness of the entire process. The members stressed action against the government counsels for their casual approach during the litigation process and said that a provision for submitting the status report of court cases by the Nodal officers to the head of departments on regular basis. The Member also persisted for the availability of WiFi facility in various High Courts and subordinate Courts. The Minister while agreeing with the members said that there concerns will be taken care of. A Presentation were also made during the meeting to highlight the need to have a litigation Policy in which it was shown that due to the very high number of pending court cases in different courts this has become utmost necessary. More over the need to reduce Government Litigation in courts so that valuable court time would be spent in resolving other pending cases. In its 126th Report on Government and Public Sector Undertaking Litigation Policy and Strategies, the Law Commission has also expressed the need of having a Litigation Policy to avoid litigation or reduce it at any cost which will bring down the load on the court system resulting in reduction of expenses on judicial set up. During the meeting Minutes and ATR (Action Taken Report) of the last meeting of the Consultative Committee meeting held on 15th December, 2014 were also ratified which comprised the agenda items regarding e-Courts/ Computerizations of Courts and Repeal of obsolete and redundant Laws. Earlier the Ministers welcomed the Members and gave details of the passing of two bills in the Parliament out of the four tabled bills.