Lt Gen MK Unni Takes over as the new DGAFMS Lieutenant General Manoj Kumar Unni assumed the charge of Director General Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) in a function here today. A graduate from the Armed Forces Medical College AFMC, Pune, he was commissioned in the Army Medical Corps on February 27, 1977. He trained as a paratrooper and has served with the Special Forces as a Regimental Medical Officer of the elite 9 Para Commandos. During his illustrious service career of over 39 years, the General Officer, apart from specialist duties, has also held important staff and command appointments. He was Major General Medical Northern Command. He commanded the prestigious Army Hospital (Research & Referral), Delhi Cantt before becoming Director General Medical Services (Army). The General Officer has received several commendations and awards during his career. He has received two Presidential awards, VSM and AVSM. He was elected Colonel Commandant of the Army Medical Corps in 2014. Lt. Gen Unni was appointed Honorary Surgeon to the President of India on July 01 2015. NAo/Nampi/RAJ