Measures to Prevent Accidents at Level Crossings by Indian Railways Various measures taken by Indian Railways to prevent accidents at level crossings are as under: Progressive elimination of unmanned level crossings by (i) closing unmanned crossings having NIL/negligible Train Vehicle Units (TVUs), (ii) merger of unmanned level crossing with nearby unmanned/manned gates or Road Under Bridge or Road Over Bridge or Subway by construction of diversion road, (iii) provision of Subways/Road Under Bridges and (iv) phased manning of unmanned level crossings which cannot be eliminated by the above means based on the volume of rail road traffic (TVU), visibility conditions, etc. Provision of basic infrastructure at unmanned level crossings, including appropriate visibility, width, gradient, level surface on either side from centre of the nearest track, whistle boards, road warning boards, surface of the approach road and speed breakers/rumble strips as per laid down standards. Social awareness campaigns to educate road users with the use of various print and electronic media for observance of safe practices prescribed in Motor Vehicle Act and Indian Railways Act and joint ambush checks along with civil police to counter misadventure in front of approaching trains. SMS Campaigns to create awareness amongst road users. Ministry of Railways have decided to progressively eliminate all unmanned level crossings by Closure/Merger/Provision of Subways/Manning. Accordingly, in the last seven years and the current year (upto Oct.2015), Indian Railway has eliminated 8170 unmanned level crossings, out of which 3205 unmanned level crossings by manning and 4965 unmanned level crossings by closure/merger/subways. This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.