Minister of Railways Inaugurates Newly Constructed Gandhidham-Tuna Tekra Rail Line In yet another significant achievement in the field of developing Railway infrastructure in the country, Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu today (i.e. on 14/07/2015) inaugurated the newly constructed broad-gauge railway-line between Gandhidham and Tuna-Tekra Port in Gujarat by flagging off a goods train. Gandhidham is a town in Kutch district of Gujarat while Tuna-Tekra Port is a port 20 k.m. west of Kandla in Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat. The inauguration was done from Delhi through remote control by setting-up a video-conferencing between Rail Bhawan, New Delhi and Gandhidham Railway Station. The project has been complete under the private line/Non-Government Railway (NGR) Model of Participative Model Policy of 2012 of Ministry of Railways for undertaking rail connectivity and capacity augmentation projects. It is yet another significant initiative under PPP. This railway-line is the first Non-Government Railway Project of Indian Railways under the NGR policy of 2012. This project has been funded by M/s Kandla Port Trust (KPT). It is the Western Railway Zone of Indian Railways which has coordinated and pioneered this important infrastructure project. This approx. 17 kms. long ambitious project was approved by Railway Board in October 2013. Construction work commenced in May, 2014 and was completed in record time in May, 2015. Cost of this project is approx. Rs.185 crore. Major traffic from the port is coal and fertilizer with an expected commodity traffic of average 4 rakes daily. Indian Railways will get approximate revenue of Rs.5.00 crore from the line by moving this traffic. This line has been constructed for M/s Kandla Port Trust to bring about better and faster rail connectivity to Port of Tuna & Tekra. The project has been executed in two parts - 11 kms. Gandhidham- Tuna Rail line by Western Railway Zone (as deposite work) and 6 km. line between Tuna-Tekra by M/s Kandla Port Trust. Under the participative policy of 2012, Ministry of Railways have undertaken connectivity to 4 ports namely Dhamra port, Tuna port, Jaigarh Port, Dighi port. These four projects will generate investment of approx. Rs.2400 crore with no financial commitment to equity from Ministry of Railways. In principle clearance have been granted for another five port connectivity projects. These five projects will generate investment of approx. Rs.2800 crore with no financial commitment to equity from Ministry of Railways. Earlier, between 2002-2012 seven port connectivity projects were implemented. These projects have added approximately 950 km of railway line bringing an investment of approximately Rs.3000 crore. Chairman Railway Board Shri A. K. Mital and other Board members were among those present on the occasion.