National Book Trust The Scheme for Promotion of the Young Women Writers has been advertised by NBT in 28 dailies of national level in 2 languages (Hindi and English) on 13.10.2016, inviting submission of manuscripts by 10.11.2016. The scheme invites proposals from young women writers below 40 years of age including those from rural areas in any of the 22 Indian languages recognized by the Constitution, for further selection and publishing by NBT. Besides, NBT is mandated to publish good reading material for the general reader of all ages from the writers of all genders. Therefore, in its regular publishing programme, manuscripts authored/written by women are included and published by NBT under its various series such as Women Pioneers, Nav Lekhan Mala, Aadan Pradan, India-the Land and the People, Young India Library, Popular Science, etc. This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey today in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.