Policy Towards World War II Veterans Pensioners The pension of World War-II pensioners was granted as per provisions of Pension Regulation for the Army in India (Part-I & Part-II) 1940, prevalent at that time. As per these Pension Regulations, there were provisions of Retiring pension, Ordinary pension, Special pension Family, Disability pension, Children Allowance and Gratuity, which were governed on the basis of different eligibility conditions like rank last held in different arms, qualifying service rendered, attributability / non attributability and aggravation etc. In addition, there was provision of Jangi Inam for World War-I & II veteran pensioners which was payable for two lives and one life respectively. At present, the rate of monetary allowance on account of Jangi Inam is Rs.500/- per month. The number of surviving World War-II pensioners and Family pensioners is dynamic and therefore, keeps on changing due to natural wastage. As regards actual number of World War-II pensioners, no separate data-base has been maintained to distinguish World War-II veteran pensioners vis-a-vis other pensioners. This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply to Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar in Rajya Sabha today. DM/NAMPI/RAJ ?