The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has congratulated medal winners in Asian Games 2014. These include Ms. Priyanka Pawar, Ms. Tintu Lukka, Ms. Mandeep Kaur and Ms. M.R. Poovamma for winning the Gold Medal in the Womens 4 x 400m Relay team event; Shri Sardar Singh, Captain and all members of the Indian Hockey Team for winning the Gold Medal, Ms. Tejeswini Bai, Captain and all members of her Team for winning the Gold Medal in Womens Kabaddi; Shri Rakesh Kumar, Captain and all member of his team for winning the Gold Medal in Mens Kabaddi; Shri Satish Kumar for winning a Bronze Medal in the Mens Super Heavy (+ 91kg) in Boxing, Shri Vikas Krishan for winning a Bronze Medal in the Mens Middle (75 kg) Boxing and Shri Inderjeet Singh for winning a Bronze Medal in the Mens shot put.