Health is a State subject. Regulation of health including in the private sector accordingly falls in the domain of the State Governments. The Government of India keeping in view the provisions of Article 252 of the Constitution and after a resolution to that effect by the legislatures in four States viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Sikkim have enacted the Clinical Establishments (Registration & Regulation) Act, 2010. This Act has, thereafter, been adopted by five more States viz. Jharkhand, Bihar, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. This Act is now applicable to 9 States and all Union Territories except Delhi. The Clinical Establishments (Registration & Regulation) Act, 2010 is however not applicable to clinical establishments belonging to the Armed forces. The Government of India continues to impress upon all other States/UTs the need for early adoption of the Clinical Establishments (Registration & Regulation) Act, 2010.