Removal of SBI from the list of authorized banks to disburse freedom fighters pension The Government has decided to transfer accounts of Central Freedom Fighter Pensioners from State Bank of India to other banks authorized for the purpose, for disbursal of Central Freedom Fighter Pension due to certain irregularities on the part of SBI like paying pension to more than 3,000 dead pensioners for many years after their death, payment of wrong amount of pension to many pensioners, delayed payment of revised Dearness Relief, loss of more than 1,100 original disbursers portion of PPOs. On account of these irregularities more than Rs.16 crore has already been recovered from State Bank of India. In order to avoid any hardship to the pensioners, they have been advised to open account in any bank of their choice, from the authorized banks for the purpose and the banks have also been advised to approach such pensioners and open their accounts on priority by 30.06.2015. In respect of those pensioners, who have not opened new account in other banks till 30.06.2015, the SBI will continue to disburse their pension so that the pensioners may not face any hardship. This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijiju in a written reply to a question by Shri T. Rathinavel in the Rajya Sabha today.