Road Projects The Government has permitted 100% equity divestment after two year of construction completion for all BOT project irrespective of year of award subject to the condition that the equity so divested should be invested by the promoter in their incomplete NHAI projects. The Government has allowed one time fund infusion for languishing highway projects being implemented on BOT (Toll) mode that has achieved at least 50% physical completion from the corpus earmarked in NHAI for this purpose on a loan basis to be recovered @ bank rate + 2% subject to eligibility of the concerned project. Also the first charge on the toll receivables of the project would be ensured for NHAI through execution of a tripartite agreement between the senior lender, concessionaire and the Authority. This is a one-time dispensation for all BOT (Toll) projects languishing as on 1st November 2014. This information was given by Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways, Shri Pon. Radhakrishnan in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.