Search and Rescue Operation for Ditched Pawan Hans Ltd Helicopter at Sea At about 07:15 PM on 04 November 2015, MaritimeRescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), Mumbai received information from Coast GuardDornier on surveillance sortie off Offshore Development Area (ODA) aboutditching of Pawan Hans Limited Helicopter. Dauphin make (AS 365 N3) helicopter, with two pilots onboard, ditched into the sea nearan ONGC oil platform named 'SLQ' located about 80 Miles west of Mumbai. There were no passengers on board. On receipt of information, MRCC of IndianCoast Guard alerted all mariners and concerned organisations leading toresponse by all stake holders. The Offshore Supply Vessels of ONGC andImmediate Support Vessels (T50 and T48) of Indian Navy immediately rushed to the location andcommenced search for survivors. During the search the vessels picked up debrisof the ditched helicopter. Coast Guard Dornier ex-Daman continuing the search inarea and one Seaking 42C helicopter of the Indian Navy was launched for nightsearch. One navaldestroyer (with integral helicopter) and two Coast Guard ships at sea were diverted to area and commenced search in the night. Ahelicopter carrying ship ex-Porbandar is also being sailed with dispatch toreach the area. A coordinated search by Indian Navy and Coast Guard ships and aircrafts and divers iscurrently in progress to locate the survivors and debris. Debris located are being collected and investigated. As of 12:00 PM today the whereabouts of the pilots is still unknown.