Shri Radha Mohan Singh participates in Gram Sabha at Goela Kalan, Bhadurgarh Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Shri Radha Mohan Singh participated in the Gram Sabha meeting, today at Goela Kalan village, Bhadurgarh, Jhajjar under Gramodaya to Bharat Uday Programme. Speaking on this occasion, he said that the Government has been taking steps to safe-guard farmers interest. The Government of India is helping farmers and trying to improve their economic condition. National Agriculture Market - eNAM is an example of it. Referring the Governments efforts to provide relief in areas where drought like situation is prevalent, he said that his Ministry is taking essential steps under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana to combat water scarcity. The Minister said that on the one hand Government is trying to help people facing water scarcity. The Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister, Shri Radha Mohan Singh recently participated in the Gram Kisan Sabhas organized at Sonepat, Thane, Rajkot and Gautambudh Nagar as part of Gramodaya to Bharat Uday Programme. The Minister interacted with the farmers to know their problems. A large number of farmers participated in these meetings and were informed about the various government schemes. Before this, the Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister delivered a presidential speech in Horticulture Vision - 2026 of Horticulture Department of Haryana at Pusa. On this occasion, he said that India has progressed well in the production of vegetables and fruits and Haryana is leading the states. He said that efforts are being made to improve the productivity of the horticulture crops through different programmes. Under MIDH, many sub schemes have been launched for increasing the productivity of the horticulture crops which include production of quality planting materials, production of vegetable seeds, revamping of orchids, protected farming, creation of water resources, minor irrigation, high density planting (HDP), adoption of integrated pest management, integrated nutrient management (INM), in situ creation of organic inputs and organic farming.