Special Development Package for Andhra Pradesh The Government of India has decided to provide an amount of Rs350 crore at the rate of Rs.50 crore per district for the development of seven backward districts covering Rayalseema and North Coastal Region During 2015-16. This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Planning, Shri Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today. The Minister said that the Special Development Package proposal of Andhra Pradesh was received from Government of Andhra Pradesh vide letter dated 16.10.2014. In its proposal, the State sought Special Development Assistance for its backward areas particularly Rayalaseema and North Coastal Regions for an amount of Rs.24350 crore over a period of five years (2014-15 to 2018-19). On 2.12.2014 a meeting was convened by erstwhile Planning Commission with the officials of State Government of Andhra Pradesh wherein it was emphasized to the State Government that the Special Development Package proposal needs to be examined keeping in view the convergence with the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Schemes so as to consider the additional requirement of funds under the package. Thereafter, the State Government sent a revised proposal vide its letter dated 16.01.2015 in which the Special Development Assistance for its backward areas was estimated at the earlier level with different sectoral priorities. The revised Special Development Package proposal was since referred to the Central Ministries/Departments. He said that the Ministry of Finance had also released an amount of Rs.350.00 crore to Government of Andhra Pradesh under Special Development Package at the rate of Rs.50 crore per District in seven backward districts of Andhra Pradesh during 2014-15 for the developmental activities covering Rayalseema and North Coastal Region.