Steps to Ensure Energy Efficiency by MSMEs Ministry of Power through Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint venture company under Ministry of Power has undertaken following steps to ensure efficient energy consumption by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) :- (i) Since XI Plan period, BEE is implementing BEE-SME energy efficiency programme in various energy intensive clusters. During the XI Plan, BEE has prepared 375 Technology specific bankable DPRs enlisting energy efficiency technologies identifies through a technology gap assessment study conducted in 25 high energy intensive clusters belonging to 12 SME sectors followed by energy audits in 1250 units. (ii) During the XII Plan, BEE is implementing 100 demonstration projects on Best Available Energy Efficiency Technologies in 5 clusters. Apart from this, BEE is also implementing energy efficiency activities into 15 different energy intensive cluster under the Global Environment Fund (GEF) funded multilateral projects. (iii) EESL is implementing a project funded under GEF through United Nations Industrial Development Organization for energy efficiency in MSMEs, to enable adoption of energy efficient technologies in 10 clusters in the country. This was stated by Shri Piyush Goyal, Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal & New and Renewable Energy in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today. The Minister further stated that Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Government of India is also implementing a Scheme under National Manufacturing Competiveness Programme (NMCP), namely, Technology and Quality Upgradation Support (TEQUP) to MSMEs", to support units which intend to implement energy efficient and eco-friendly technology. Under this scheme, the Government provides financial support to the extent of 25% of the project cost towards implementation of Energy Efficient Technology (EET), subject to maximum of Rs.10.00 lakhs. MSMEs do not falls under the ambit of Energy Conservation Act, 2001, the Minister added. RM/RS- USQ1844 - LS