The spirit of Swachh Bharat reverberated through the city of Delhi today. The Prime Minister was welcomed by five thousand children with loud cheer. Children were enthusiastically waving flags and placards in support of cleanliness drive. Film on Swachhta Mission was watched with rapt attention by everyone present. Before administrating the oath, renowned actor and social activists, Shri Aamir Khan was called on the stage and then the pledge was administrated by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister asked everyone to raise their hands and think of Mahatma Gandhi while taking the oath. To the utter delight of the children the Prime Minister started walked with them for some distance, despite being on fast, after flagging off the Walkathon. People from all walks from life gathered at Rajpath on the occasion. At Valmiki Basti, the Prime Minister exhorted children to become "Swachhta Senanis"