The Chairman and CEO of the Japanese telecom and internet giant SoftBank, Shri Masayoshi Son met the Minister for Communications and Information Technology and Law & Justice Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad in New Delhi last evening. They discussed issues relating to possibilities of SoftBank further investing in India. The Minister shared with Mr. Son the Prime Ministers vision of Digital India and his ideas of Speed, Scale and Skill and 3Ds- Democracy, Demography and Demand. Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad informed Mr. Son about the incentives such as Electronic Manufacturing Clusters and MSIPS that the government is providing to boost electronic manufacturing in India. Highlighting the great potential of India in the field of electronics and IT, the Minister welcomed SoftBank to enhance its investments in India. He also shared the Smart City project that this government has committed to develop and explained how this would create a huge demand for electronic goods and IT services in the coming years.