Tribal Affairs Ministry revises the Scheme for Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups Ministry of Tribal Affairs has revised the Central Sector Scheme known as Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), w.e.f. 1st April, 2015, under which the Ministry will provide 100% financial assistance through State Governments for activities including housing, land distribution and land development, agricultural development, animal husbandry, construction of link roads, installation of non-conventional sources of energy or other innovative activity, for the comprehensive socio-economic development of PVTGs, based on Conservation-cum-Development (CCD) Plan prepared by the concerned State Governments on the basis of assessment of their requirements. Under the Scheme, priority is accorded for their protection and improvement in terms of the social indicators like livelihood, health, nutrition and education, so as to decrease their vulnerability. At present there are 75 tribal groups identified and categorized as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), (earlier known as Primitive Tribal Groups) located in the States/UT of AP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, MP, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Odisha, Rajasthan, TN, Tripura, UP, Uttarakhand, West-Bengal and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Samir/jk