Zero Discharge of Pollutants into Ganga River Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has inventoried 35 distilleries, along the river Ganga, out of which five are closed and three are brewery/ bottling unit. Out of remaining 27 units, 17 have achieved Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD). Out of remaining 10 units, one unit has been closed by CPCB for failure in installation of Online Continuous Effluent Monitoring System (OCEMS) and nine units, which are yet to achieve ZLD by installing Multiple-Effect Evaporator (MEE) have been issued closure direction through State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) under section 18(1) (b) on 22.12.2016. No budget has been allocated by the Government for achieving ZLD by the distillery units. This information was given by Union Minister of State for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Shri Vijay Goel in a written reply in Lok Sabha today. Samir/jk