Today's youth is almost notorious for having devised a particularly unhealthy lifestyle. In the midst of their hectic schedules and priorities, a regular routine is usually neglected. And this ends up having adverse impacts on both their physical and mental health in the long-term, influencing their personal, social, academic as well as occupational functioning.
It is indeed undoubtable that a disciplined and healthy lifestyle is very beneficial in maintaining mental health. While adequate sleep, a proper diet and staying away from substances is essential for staying physically and mentally fit, regular physical exercise can make a world of a difference. If you focus on keeping your body healthy, your mind, too, silently reaps the benefits.
It is an outlet to channelise energy levels, develop emotional awareness and adopt an alternative and a more constructive means of expressing your energies. And one should not hesitate to talk about it. In fact, emotions can be expressed through different kinds of art, dance and music, written expression, or other creative occupations. Cultivate activities that channelise both your mental and physical energies.
It increases the release of endorphins. Regular physical exercise has been found to be beneficial in alleviating anxiety, as it helps in the regulation of serotonin. Therefore, adopting healthy lifestyle choices, maintaining regular sleep and dietary habits, and regulating your routine appropriately can go a long way in helping you combat the stress in your life.
It adds to a sense of achievement and satisfaction over and above physical fitness. Physical exercise is typically associated with specific goals. It helps an individual build motivation, and the achievement of these goals adds to the individual's sense of self as well as body image.
It rejuvenates both mind and body. Sometimes the obvious eludes us. Exercise helps by stimulating your mind while you work your body. Physical activity, be it yoga, working out in a gym, walking, aerobics, or any other sport, tends to be associated with a rejuvenation of both the mind and the body.
It takes the edge off. Despite the multiple stressors that may exist in our lives, it is important for us to take out time for ourselves. We should try and enjoy each moment in itself, to make our lives more positive and fulfiling. Working out is one of the best stress busters. It need not be a rigorous regime but made into a fun activity.
If not a sport even walking while listening to music can be a fulfiling experience. Best when one is surrounded by some semblance of nature. A nature walk can not only give you a sense of peace and calmness, but it also serves as a change of atmosphere as well as a form of physical exercise. Often simply gazing at the stars in the sky, or some simple gardening can be a refreshing break from your stressful life.
Samir Parikh Director, Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Healthcare, Delhi
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