Fighting and Preventing Common Cold Naturally

Common cold which is also called acute viral rhinopharyngitis is a viral infectious disease.

Fighting and Preventing Common Cold Naturally
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Anurag Khare
Last Updated : Dec 04 2017 | 2:28 PM IST
With the onset of winters there is always a spike in cases of cold and flu. Work will have to be skipped and numerous productive hours will be wasted because of fever, coughing, runny nose, headache and more. Common cold which is also called acute viral rhinopharyngitis is a viral infectious disease. Common cold affects the upper respiratory system consisting of nostrils, nasal cavity, throat, sinuses and larynx. There are over 200 viruses that are responsible for the common cold and about 35% of them belong to the rhinovirus family. Common cold is contagious and spread mostly by being airborne; it spreads due to close contact with an already infected person or by contact with objects which have been exposed to the infected person and the viruses. Cold and flu viruses love the warm, moist environment of your nose and upper respiratory tract. Which is where they multiple and infest the host. Cold viruses make their way to the nasal passages via different routes. Some enter from airborne droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes and some are carried on hands and common objects such as keyboards, eating utensils, gadget and gizmos, door knobs and other surfaces.

Symptoms of Common Cold

Symptoms of common cold may surface after around 15 hours after exposure to the virus. Fatigue and being feverish is the most common initial symptom of common cold. Runny nose is another common symptom. This happens due to the body’s reaction to the virus which results in release of chemicals that makes the mucous glands work harder. Other symptoms of common cold includes cough, sore or dry throat, sneezing, blocked nose, hoarse voice, mild fever and headache. Due to so many strains of viruses it is very difficult for the immune system of the human body to protect protection against them all. Thus common cold is a very common disease which affects an adult around two to four times and children around six to eight times per year.

Prevent Common Cold and Flu
One reliable way to prevent the transmission of viruses and bacteria is to wash your hands regularly. When sneezing and coughing use a tissue, don’t use your palms to sneeze or cough in and if you do so wash your hands with soap and water. Avoid touching your nose and mouth often. Avoid contact with infected person. Diets that are plant-based contain Vitamins and phytochemicals that are believed to be helpful against colds. Phytochemicals are found in rice, tea and spices. Keep household items clean. One way of catching the virus is by touching a surface, which has been contaminated. Keeping popular household items like the remote controls, computer keyboard sanitized will reduce your chances of catching the virus. Control stress, studies show that people with stressful lifestyles have weaker immune systems and are more prone to catching a cold than people with lower stress.

Common Cold and Flu Treatments

Common cold is a virus that comes in different forms and has a different effect on people with different immune systems. The best methods to fight-off the common cold are:

Vitamin C – Vitamin C relieves symptoms of the common cold. A meta-analysis found that getting 200mg daily intake of vitamin C is linked to shorter, less severe bouts of the common cold. Vitamin C may be more helpful for people who have an extremely low dietary intake of the vitamin. Some evidence suggests that taking large doses of vitamin C, as much as 8 grams, on the day that cold symptoms appear can shorten the duration of a cold.

Ginseng – Ginseng has been associated with various health benefits, including increased energy and vitalization of the immune system. It has been established through research that ginseng benefits the immune systems of the human body. Clinical trials have shown ginseng to have a positive effect on common cold. Ginseng helps reduce the frequency and severity of the common cold.

Chicken Soup – Although no scientific evidence suggests that chicken soup may outright cure the common cold but is surely provides relief from symptoms by increasing nasal mucous velocity. Simply put, it makes your nose run which can reduce the amount of time germs spend in your nose. Also cysteine, a natural amino acid present in chicken soup is chemically similar to acetylcysteine which is a drug doctors prescribe to patients with bronchitis and respiratory infections.

Tea – Tea has a compound called theophylline, which assists in eliminating congestion. Quercetin also contained in tea may also help avert the growth of viruses.

There are also many herbal and homemade remedies that are believed to treat common cold. But these remedies have no scientific backing whatsoever. Treatments through Echinacea herb, Aromatherapy, Oscillococcinum and Zinc supplements although are used but the jury is still out on their effectiveness in fighting common cold and flu.       

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