China will allow foreign students at Chinese universities to take part-time jobs during their studies to make the country's higher educational system more attractive.
A statement issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education said that the government has been introducing a number of exploratory changes allowing international students in Beijing and Shanghai to take part-time jobs or internships off campus as long as they obtain approval from their academic institutions and the entry and exit administrative authorities.
Over 442 thousand foreign students from 205 countries or regions reported to have studied in China's schools and other education institutions in 2016, according to official figures.
Of this 11.07 per cent receive government scholarships.
About 15,000 Indian students, mostly medical students, study in China. The medical courses in China are popular as they are cheaper compared to private medical colleges in India.
China sees the rise of the foreign students as part of its diplomatic push to increase its global influence.
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Wang Huiyao, director of Beijing-based think-tank Centre for China and Globalization, said that it makes sense for the country to more broadly expand such innovative policies since it serves the strategy of reinvigorating China's workforce development.
While these changes to visa policies are quite small and specifically targeted, they are positive signs that the government is considering opening up more opportunities for international students to undertake part-time work during their studies and have work opportunities upon graduation, he told state-run China Daily on Tuesday.
Foreign employees can give domestic enterprises an advantage as they expand overseas, plus it's only logical that these graduates want to put into practice what they have learned, he said.