The Federal Reserve is expected to issue a new rule in the coming months involving a long-term debt requirement for banks' emergency plans, a top Fed official said on Thursday.
The central bank is also willing to consider raising certain thresholds for financial industry regulations put in place after the 2010 Wall Street reform law, Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo said in prepared remarks.
Tarullo, the Fed's top bank regulator, repeated his view that the threshold for the law's Volcker rule and its incentive compensation restrictions could be increased to firms with $10 billion or more in assets, from $1 billion now.
The central bank is also willing to consider raising certain thresholds for financial industry regulations put in place after the 2010 Wall Street reform law, Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo said in prepared remarks.
Tarullo, the Fed's top bank regulator, repeated his view that the threshold for the law's Volcker rule and its incentive compensation restrictions could be increased to firms with $10 billion or more in assets, from $1 billion now.