Saturday marks President Trump’s 100th day in office. We asked readers on Facebook how his presidency has changed them and received more than 900 comments on the Opinion Facebook page, and more than 800 replies on the main Times account. Here are some of the responses.
Juanita Swan Johnson I go out of my way to say hello to all people. I have a welcome immigrants sign on my front lawn. I have my congressmen and senators in my phone contacts because I call often now.
Adele Silz 50 years after the Vietnam War I have become an activist again.
Victor J Heintz I was inspired at age 65 to participate in my first rally ever and joined the March for Science in DC last weekend.
Emily Rose I plan to run for office.
Nicole Gevirtz I’m now much more involved in feminist activities. I got a second job in which I work at a call center that helps provide abortion care and I’m a volunteer escort at a clinic near where I live. I should’ve been doing this years ago. Under Obama we felt safer.
David Gordon Trump’s first 100 days have spurred me to volunteer as an English teacher at the Immigrant Learning Center in Malden, Massachusetts, where I can welcome brave, hardworking new arrivals.
Peggy Davis It’s made me realize that I can not just be silent any longer.
Joshua Kuehler I shifted from clicktivism to real activism. Before Trump, I had never called my representatives (now weekly; senate and house), didn’t know who my congress woman was and never attended a town hall, and never marched (this weekend will make for 3 times). Thanks to Trump, I’m more politically engaged than ever before!
Debbie Jon I have committed to doing an action a day; starting with the Women’s March, writing postcards, making calls, supporting ACLU, Planned Parenthood and other worthy groups, volunteering, making donations, doing acts of kindness, all so I can keep a positive spirit and survive the current chaos, destruction and uncertainty.
Ron-Jill Coleman I do not have to fear becoming a criminal for owning my guns because Trump is a life member of the NRA.
Harry Allison For the first time in my life… I’m thinking about buying a gun. I have friends of Middle Eastern descent … A transgender son… Gay friends and relatives… And I worry about protecting them.
Disillusionment and Fear
Shirley Clark I had to accept that many of my fellow Americans hated minorities, hated the LGBTQ community, hated the environment, and lived in a world of paranoid fear of the other.
Sue Riccardelli Because of the escalation with North Korea, I fear for my family on the west coast.
Sean Capone His election and presidency has disabused me of the belief that America was on a path, overall, that led towards progress, justice and meaningful purpose in the world of the 21st century.
Heather Lander Where I used to be confident in the unassailable strength of the Constitution, now I watch in horror as our president talks out of both sides of his mouth and the GOP slowly erodes our government’s checks and balances, stacks the Supreme Court, and panders to Big Oil, all while I fill my first prescription for anxiety medication.
Shane C Woodbury I used to believe in Dr King’s “Dream”, now I accept the reality of what America truly is and has always been, not the land of liberty and freedom, but a political and economic system ruled by a ruling class of white wealthy men (apartheid).
Meegan McCathren The feelings of doom that I experienced as a fourteen year old girl during the Cuban Missile Crisis are back, Tenfold.
Alejandra Jane Dubois I guiltily calm my fears every day by reciting my privilege (I’m white and educated, in a conventional marriage, with a healthy savings account, etc), and so likely to survive this presidency relatively unscathed; and then I reassure myself again, that as a dual national, I can always flee to Europe if things get bad enough.
Rainesford Alexandra I have a stronger belief in American resilience, because I have seen so many people of all ages and backgrounds join forces, take an interest, open themselves up to hard conversations about America’s inherent problems, and defend freedom that includes all.
Randa Evans It has made me love my country even more because I now realize how fragile and at risk our democracy is
Rich Charnovich Opposing him has made me more passionate about my career in public service than ever.
Lynda Myers Barack President Trump’s first 100 days have made me question my opinion of the strength of our political institutions— and revere our strong courts more than ever before.
Christy Pill President Trump’s first 100 days changed me by assuring me that my new husband and I, who disagree vehemently about politics, will be able to uphold the “for better or for worse” promise even if we don’t always agree on what’s “better” and what’s “worse.”
Denise Davis I gained renewed respect for the conservatives who bucked their party’s mandate and didn’t make the unethical choice of voting for trump, and who have stood up for what is right ever since. I also learned that I cannot feign friendship with someone I can no longer respect after they demonstrated their warped values and lack of ethics by voting for trump.
Jason Bobbitt It has forced me into the uncomfortable position of siding with conservatives due to liberalism being hijacked by radical Marxists who won’t stop throwing tantrums and acting like brownshirts.
Scoop Cronin I used to be a registered Independent who voted for candidates, not parties, but now, I’m a registered Democrat and passionate about civil liberties.
Theresa Vincent Smith I registered Democrat after 40 plus years of being a Republican and may never vote for a Republican again.
Peter Michael Stuart White It’s made me realise just how desperate people were last year that they were willing to give the reins of goverment to someone so obviously unsuited for the role. To my shame I had not been aware of the depth of suffering in the society.
Kevin James I have never been more tuned in to American politics.
Courtney Ross I learned more about different parts of the government from the budget to health care to foreign policy and everything in between. I can no longer trust that the most knowledgeable people are handling it.
No Change
Eileen Burns I am currently reading Elizabeth Brown Pryor’s ‘Reading the Man’ about Robert E. Lee, in an attempt to understand how the fortune and future of our country can, at times, rest on the shoulders of people who are ....(less than devoted to?).... their sworn allegiance to the Constitution.... How have Trump’s first 100 days changed ME? Not at all. I still believe that Lee was a traitor.
Health Care
Laura Anne Robinson I went and got an IUD I didn’t need because I now sincerely fear access to birth control.
John Hoopes I have a health insurance policy I purchased through the Healthcare.Gov marketplace. I go from day to day wondering if I will be able to purchase health insurance next year. This has sure added to the anxiety I experience each and every day.
Emily Schueller I was accepted to masters degrees at Duke and a state university. While I think I would be happier and make more connections at Duke, I am not about to take out $100,000 in student loans under this administration. I took free tuition at the state school instead. Better safe than sorry.
Susan Nelson I’m postponing retirement.
O Canada
Lynda Swafford This mockery of a presidency has left me in despair and my salvation will be moving to Canada next year, although I fear for the world.
Valerie Hagerman As a Canadian neighbour, with family who live in USA, I feel a mixture of anger and sadness. I do not look at your country at all now as a vacation destination. I am planning trips to Europe or Caribbean.
Mark Thompson I refuse to watch MSNBC anymore, and I mean never again. Bias is a two-way street and that network proves it. The truth of the matter or facts are completely irrelevant there. As a life-long Democrat that network makes me sick and a disgrace to what I grew up trying to believe in and hope for.
Martha Ennis I am a naturally apolitical person but I now read the NYT and the Washington Post everyday and I also read Fox News online because I want to understand what got us to this awful place and I also no longer take anything we have in this country for granted.
Ryan Merlino I have never appreciated the free press more in my life.
Robin Lowenthal I now disregard news stories from unfamiliar sources, though formerly I would have trusted that a deliberately dishonest news outlet would die off.
Alexia Holt I now watch Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah on an almost daily basis to help me cope (live in the UK). Didn’t think I could feel this furious, horrified and shocked for so long and it feels much longer than 100 days.
Donald Seekins I am a writer, and Trump has inspired me with ideas for all sorts of weird stories that Hillary wouldn’t have!
Life: a Box of Chocolates
Vivian Russell I now believe Forrest Gump.