The 89-year-old President said"I think there are no two ways about it, and there will be peace," the Nobel laureate president said."No on can live in the current intermediate situation. But look what is happening - there is no intifada in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip, and Hamas is losing support," Peres told news portal 'Ynet' ahead of the Jewish nation's 65th Independence Day tomorrow."You ask yourselves when peace will come. I do not know... No one has any idea, but I do think that by the country's 70-year celebrations, there will be peace. I want to hope. It is not just optimism."
Unlike the government led by hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has shunned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and doesn't see him as a partner in peace, Peres called the Palestinian leader as "courageous" and one who can sign a peace agreement."We have already arrived at a line of unprecedented agreements with Abu Mazen (nom de guerre for Abbas). His situation has improved because for the first time he has someone to lean on he has his security-related power, and that is important since political support in the Arab countries comes from the military," he said.
Peace talks with Palestinians have come to a standstill around the question of settlements with Palestinians demanding a total freeze on all building activities in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, while Netanyahu insisting on talks without any pre-conditions.
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Israel has been saying said that it will not make any gestures towards Abbas to bring him to the negotiation table - No prisoners, no land, nothing.
The Israeli President also firmly believes that Americans will not hesitate to use military force against Iran, should the diplomatic efforts to foil its nuclear ambitions fail."The problem today is not if America can, but rather if America will," the Israeli leader said."Just as America developed very good relations with us in the realm of security, it also prepared the option of using force if necessary. I am of those who believe that it will happen if there is no choice.
I am convinced, since I know the US president's opinion, but even if I wouldn't have known his opinion I look at the picture America cannot permit an Iranian victory," Peres asserted.