XLRI Jamshedpur has hiked its two-year post-graduate-programme (PGP) fee by around 18 per cent for the 2009 batch onwards. In an interview with PRADIPTA MUKHERJEE, the institute’s director E Abraham, S J, said the institute this year will focus on initiating collaborations with international universities and offering more incentives to encourage research studies.
Why did you hike fees?
XLRI’s fee hike this year is about 17.95 per cent for the 2009 batch onwards. The 2008-2010 batch pays Rs 7.5 lakh. Normally as a matter of routine, we hike about 10-15 per cent of fees to meet the inflation. This year we have hiked another 5 per cent which will help us partially to pay for the arrears of the Sixth Pay Commission for the faculty and staff. Unlike the IIMs, we do not receive any grant from the government. Nor do we raise funds. So, fees have to rise.
What are XLRI’s focus areas this academic year?
This year, we will focus on starting global, collaborative programmes with some universities in the US, Europe and Asia. We also plan to double the number of students participating in our personnel management and industrial relations (PM&IR) programme.
What about placements?
The placement scenario has been difficult this year. However, all our post-graduate programme students have been placed. Last year, the highest domestic salary was Rs 28 lakh, while this year it was Rs 22 lakh.
As for the executive education programme (General Management Programme), it is more difficult this year particularly because companies are not recruiting people with many years of experience. Since, this is the scenario all over the country, we are hopeful that eventually all the students will be placed.
Any plans to encourage research projects?
Research has always been our priority at XLRI. We have added extra incentives for faculty to do research and publish books and articles, as well as participate and make paper presentations, both in India and abroad.
How much money do you need every year?
The institute needs Rs 46.48 crore per year, on an average. The biggest areas of expenditure include salary (22 per cent), satellite (16 per cent), office and administration (12 per cent), admissions (9 per cent). The institute’s sources of income include student fee (37 per cent), admission test (22 per cent), and satellite programs (18 per cent).