An outline of a figure is walking on the beach with measured confidence steps. A group of cadets approach him from the opposite side.
While all other cadets move pass the man, only one stops and respectfully salutes him. The man acknowledges the salute and extends his hand for a handshake.
The man leaves and the cadet looks at his hand only to find colour on it. His expression turns to one of amazement. Cut to some joggers on the beach.
As the same man approaches them, one of the joggers gives him a high five. The jogger also sees his hand take up colour.
Cut to a bunch of kids playing on the beach. The same man bends down playfully and holds the hand of a little girl after which, the girl cheers in excitement as she sees her hands coloured. Cut to a housewife walking across the beach.
The man, like he had done so many times before, reaches out to shake hands with her. But unlike all others, the housewife greets him with a namaste and the man returns the namaste.