Answers to last week's quiz (#240)

Strategist Team New Delhi
Last Updated : Jan 20 2013 | 3:02 AM IST


  1. Identify this American entrepreneur who learnt to program on an Atari 800 at the age of seven. He was caught hacking into a Fortune 500 company at 16 and was recruited by the CIA to work for them. He became the founding president of an internet company at 24 and wanted to make a hedgehog the company’s mascot. 
    Sean Parker, co-founder of Napster and the founding president of Facebook


  2. What is common to these banks: ICICI Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, DBS of Singapore, Bank of China and China Construction Bank Corporation?
    Temasek Holdings of Singapore has an equity stake in all these banks ranging from 5 per cent to 27 per cent.


  • Who is said to have coined a term that describes young marketing professionals who don’t look like their peers but set themselves apart from the rest, make observations and predictions in changes of new or existing cultural trends amongst the youth?
    Sociologist Malcolm Gladwell described them as Coolhunters in an article in the New Yorker magazine in 1997


  • In 1950s an announcement made by T T Krishnamachari, the then finance Minister inspired Jivraj Mehta CM of Gujarat, Vikram Sarabhai and businessmen Kasturbhai Lalbhai. What shape did their inspiration finally take?
    The formation of IIM Ahmedabad


  • Which businessman described himself as “The Idiot Inventor”?
    Ratan Tata


  • This idea of a computer science engineer and hardware expert was turned down by several companies, saying that its hefty price tag would deter customers till Apple found interest in it. This person wanted to build the “Dell of consumer electronics”. Name him and the product he invented.
    Tony Fadell the creator of the iPod


    Also Read

  • On whom is a book on Leadership titled “Leading Without Licence” written?
    The anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare


  • This brand’s campaign on Facebook promised their product for free if the participant deleted 10 friends from his list. It lasted for 10 days but its viral buzz lasted for some time and the word related to this act was elected as the word of the year 2009 by Oxford dictionary. Name the brand and mention the word.
    Burger King’s successful campaign for ‘unfriending’ on Facebook


  • Initially this person used to assist the state of Georgia (USA) in prosecuting salesmen of fake chemicals, later on he went on to establish one the most famous global brands. Name him and the brand.
    John Pemberton the founder of Coca Cola


  • What do the three visuals represent? These items were in the news recently. 

    1.Badges issued to delegates, 2.Strategic partners who pay 1 million dollars and 3. Spouses of delegates who attend the World Economic Forum in Davos
  • There were no all-correct entries for The Strategist quiz #240

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    First Published: Feb 20 2012 | 12:27 AM IST

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