India is expected to see an overall projected salary increase of 10.8 per cent as per Towers Watson 2015-16 Asia-Pacific Salary Budget Planning Report. Factoring in inflation at 6.1 per cent, the net salary increase in 2016 is expected to be marginally higher at 4.7 per cent against 4.5 per cent last year, when the inflation was at 5.9 per cent. The projected higher overall salary increases are despite the fact that employers in the third quarter are less upbeat on the business outlook for India than they were in the first quarter. Those with a positive outlook shrank to 41 per cent from 58 per cent. The latest research shows that across employee levels, the "top performers" get higher increases averaging 12.5 per cent, while "above average" and "average" performers get 11 per cent and 9.7 per cent raises, respectively. A similar trend is evident in the three core industries in the survey: financial services, technology and healthcare. Salary increases in the high-tech sector will be driven by the advent of new technologies such as wearable devices, cloud computing.