The Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad organised its first ever inter-B-school event "Poseidon" recently. More than 150 students from B-schools across the country participated. The theme for the event was the ocean and all events were named to reflect this. |
Among the events were "Turbulence", an energy case contest, the first of its kind in Indian B-schools; "Coke Wave", a real-life case study about Coca-Cola, drafted in association with the company; "Bermuda Triangle", an on-the-spot tech case competition; "Twister", a business simulation game; and "Tsunami", a business quiz. |
MDI's new affiliation |
The Gurgaon-based Management Development Institute has become an affiliate school of the Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Business School. It claims to be the only Indian B-school to thus associate itself with HBS. |
From the 2005 session on, MDI will offer a course on Microeconomics of Competitiveness. The course is an integrated course on Strategy which talks about economic development and firm level strategy. |