- The trident-shaped emblem of this car company is based on the statue of Neptune, one of the civic symbols of the city in which the company was founded. Name the company.
- Link the clothing material patented in 1888 and worn by Polar explorers Roald Amundsen (1911) and Ernest Shackleton (1914), and George Mallory (1924), who attempted to climb Mt Everest, with a luxury fashion house known for its distinctive trademarked check pattern. Name the fashion house and the clothing material.
- The founder of this Delhi-based public limited company named his firm after his neighbour's dog. His company was responsible for establishing the fourth Sunday of September as "Daughter's Day". Identify it.
- "Come to me all whose stomachs cry out and I will restore you." What is the historical significance of this inscription in Paris?
- Who said: "I didn't fight to get women out from behind the vacuum cleaner to get them onto the board of Hoover"? ( Hoover is a vacuum cleaner manufacturing company.)
- For which brand did Lorraine Collet Petersen model in 1915? Her image has been seen on millions and millions of packages and has been taken into homes throughout the world.
- Who is credited with introducing the term and concept of "knowledge workers" in 1954?
- Where and during what ceremony was the first official copy of J K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows released?
- The founder of this business group in the early 1900s was a trained technical draughtsman who started his own company because he was denied a promotion at Bombay's prestigious Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute. His first product was a better variety of plough that replaced the traditional implements used by farmers. Name him.
- What was the "Bogota group"?
(Click here for the Answers)
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