- What do terms like BYB, BAY and RUB refer to? They are used by the top 10 software companies in India.
- Link the special characters #@$%*! to agitrons, squeans and briffits. Name the creator of these and the common term used to describe them.
- This company was established in 1600, and it ruled much of the world till it was dissolved in the 1870s. An NRI has bought it and is opening a high-end luxury store under the brand name. Identify it.
- Which company gave India its first ATM in 1987?
- The Scottish employees of which former company called a popular tea-growing region in India Haggistan after their favourite dish?
- Name the athletic shoe brand that claims that it is the only manufacturer still making shoes in the US.
- Which country is known to have taken the lead in making the 3D MMORPG?
- Name the company whose new packaging features consumers selected from its first global online casting call. It will be seen by 52 million consumers a day worldwide.
- This company is listed as WOW on the stock exchange of its home country, and has a joint venture with an Indian company. Name it.
- This building is the logo of a chain of outlets. Founded in the late 1970s, its owner pulled out two random names from the Manhattan phone book and got its name. Name it.
Ten all-correct entries will receive a copy of John Hoover & Roger P Disilvestro’s The Art of Constructive Confrontation, published by Wiley India (books courtesy: Wiley India). One lucky winner will also receive a cheque for Rs 2,000. Send your entries to strategist@bsmail.in. All entries must carry the postal address of the contestant. Last date for receiving entries: 22 June. Previous winners, employees of Business Standard and Wiley India and their families are not eligible to participate. |