- Who owned the brands Courier and Kin?
- This hotel’s bed has not only attracted customers to come again, but has made many of them to ask if they could have such a bed in their homes. Now the hotel goes to customer homes to set the bed up and train them on how to make this special bed. Name the hotel chain.
- In the late 19th century what product was delivered in bullock carts with “hogsheads”? The consumers were mostly defence personnel.
- What is common to Reader’s Digest, UB Group and ASUS, the Taiwanese company?
- This annual meeting is being held since 1984 mostly in Germany and it features a variety of lectures and workshops on technical and political issues. It is organised by volunteers called Chaos Angels. Name it.
- Whose baseline is “We try harder”?
- Connect Hanadi Zakariya Hindi, the first woman pilot of Saudi Arabia, and Citigroup, and what do you arrive at?
- What is common to the brands Adobe, Isuzu, Avon and Nokia?
- Which brand has introduced India’s first 3D cell phone?
- Identify the brand from the logo. (A first of its kind product)
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