- In the mid-1990s, a co-founder of Cisco Systems was in her friend's mansion outside London when they mixed the colours raspberry and black to form a new colour. They it a name and the same one to the company they founded together. Name the founders and the company.
- Whose brand is FeetScience?
- Who made this statement, "If you flaunt while owning a lot, it suggests you don't care"?
- A Hong Kong-based venture capital company appointed an algorithm to its board of directors. It decided that a program like this should have a say in what companies the firm invested in, based on its ability to analyse huge amounts of relevant data. This is the first firm in the world to do so. Name it.
- The founder of the first of its kind store made this statement: "I've always read a lot, so that was the germ of the idea. I'll pick a subject and read every book ever published on it. That's hard to do if you shop at a walk-in bookstore. Even the superstores don't have more than a couple of titles per topic. My dream was to have a bookstore that had every book ever published to feed my own habit." Name him and the company he founded.
- At the recent auto expo in New Delhi Project X, conceptualised by music composer-singer Ranjit Barot and Qyuki was released. It has India's top music maestros, A R Rahman, Salim Merchant, Shubha Mudgal, and Amit Trivedi lend their voice to the track Khushnuma. Name the brand for which this was made.
- It is the name given to the part of the Thames above Iffley Lock which flows through the university city of Oxford, England, past Christ Church Meadow and the focal point of rowing for Oxford University. Recently an academic institution that bears the same name was forced to change its name. Why?
- They say the invention of the Brown Box in the late '60s gave rise to a new industry in the electronic era. Name it and its inventor.
- Who manufactures a product under the brand name Nidar?
- Name the brand from its logo.