As many as 11 mutual fund schemes have posted returns in excess of 200 per cent between April 25, 2003, when the Sensex was at a six-month low, and December 15. Based on absolute returns data collated and published by, of the 141 equity schemes, 125 outperformed the Sensex's gain of 82 per cent in the same period.Tata Equity Opportunities Fund tops the list of multibaggers, with a 252.3 per cent return. It is followed by Prudential ICICI Taxplan with a 235.01 per cent return and Franklin India Prima with a 224.87 per cent return. These three funds have a judicious mix of the large and mid-cap stocks that have shown a steeper rise in this period as compared to index stocks.As on November 30, 2003, the Tata Equity Opportunities Fund had a 5.5 per cent exposure to Tata Motors, followed by 5.2 per cent to Lupin Labs and 5.06 per cent to Jindal Ltd.Pru ICICI Taxplan, on the other hand, had the highest exposure of 6.26 per cent in Trent Ltd, followed by 5.93 per cent in IPCL and 5.65 per cent in Mahindra & Mahindra as on November 30, 2003.Franklin Prima had a 26.75 per cent weightage to auto ancillary stocks, which according to most investment analysts, is India's next high growth sector with the global potential after IT. This proves that those fund managers who were able to sniff the bull rally and take correct calls as far as finding high growth potential stocks were concerned. Now they are reaping the gains of the bull market in the last eight months.