The Sensex touched a fresh all-time intra-day high of 19,199, and is now up 439 points at 19,155.Reliance Communications has zoomed 6.7% to Rs 787. Ranbaxy has soared 4.7% to Rs 440, and ONGC has surged 4.4% to Rs 1,180.TCS and HDFC have rallied over 4% each to Rs 1,140 and Rs 2,570, respectively.Larsen & Toubro has gained 3.7% at Rs 3,415. Reliance Energy, Tata Steel, BHEL and Mahindra & Mahindra have moved up 3% each to Rs 1,817, Rs 896, Rs 2,352 and Rs 804, respectively.ICICI Bank has slipped 1.6% to Rs 1,099. Bharti Airtel and HDFC Bank are down 1% each at Rs 1,092 and Rs 1,446, respectively.Out of 2,704 stocks traded so far, 2,014 have advanced, 639 have declined and 51 are unchanged.