The Sensex is now up 443 points at 19,159.Ranbaxy has zoomed over 9% to Rs 459. Reliance Communications has soared over 7% to Rs 790, and ONGC has surged 5% to Rs 1,187.TCS has rallied 4.5% to Rs 1,145. HDFC and Cipla have moved up over 4% each to Rs 2,575 and Rs 187, respectively.Dr.Reddy's and Larsen & Toubro have advanced 3.7% each to Rs 629 and Rs 3,416, respectively.Tata Steel, Grasim and Wipro have gained around 3.5% each at Rs 900, Rs 3,842 and Rs 502, respectively.Mahindra & Mahindra, BHEL, Reliance Energy, Reliance, Hindalco and Satyam are up around 3% each at Rs 805, Rs 2,354, Rs 1,814, Rs 2,769, Rs 204 and Rs 470, respectively.ICICI Bank has slipped 1.6% to Rs 1,099, and HDFC Bank has declined 1% to Rs 1,444.Out of 2,741 stocks traded so far, 2,042 have advanced, 645 have declined and 54 are unchanged.