Accelya Kale Solutions has tanked 12% to Rs 613 after reporting 18% year-on-year (yoy) decline in consolidated net profit at Rs 16.56 crore for the first quarter ended September 2013 (Q1) on account of mark to market loss of Rs 8.52 crore on forward foreign exchange contacts.
The small cap information technology consulting and software firm had profit of Rs 20.17 crore in the same quarter previous year. The company’s consolidated operating income however, grew 17% at Rs 79.28 crore on yoy basis.
The stock opened at Rs 660 and hit a low of Rs 602 on the NSE. A combined nearly 74,000 shares have changed hands on the counter so far on both the exchanges.
Meanwhile, the stock was major outperformer, appreciating nearly three-fold from Rs 217 on October 31 last year compared to 11% rise in benchmark index during the same period.
The small cap information technology consulting and software firm had profit of Rs 20.17 crore in the same quarter previous year. The company’s consolidated operating income however, grew 17% at Rs 79.28 crore on yoy basis.
The stock opened at Rs 660 and hit a low of Rs 602 on the NSE. A combined nearly 74,000 shares have changed hands on the counter so far on both the exchanges.
Meanwhile, the stock was major outperformer, appreciating nearly three-fold from Rs 217 on October 31 last year compared to 11% rise in benchmark index during the same period.