Bharti Airtel continues to top the combined value chart with a aturnover of Rs 1,086.94 crore, followed by Larsen & Toubro (Rs 458.02 crore), Reliance (Rs 439.93 crore), SBI (Rs 435.72 crore) and ICICI Bank (Rs 431.78 crore).
The combined volume chart is being led by Ispat Industries with trades of over 46 million shares, followed by Unitech (38.93 million), Bharti Airtel (30.47 million), Kingfisher Airlines (19.96 million) and Suzlon (19.03 million).
(Updated at 1241 hrs)
Bharti Airtel has topped the combined (BSE and NSE) value chart, with a total turnover of Rs 704.09 crore. It is followed by L&T (Rs 259.68 crore), Reliance Communications (Rs 251.56 crore), ICICI Bank (Rs 232.18 crore) and Tata Steel (Rs 232.14 crore).
Ispat Industries has led the combined volume chart with trades of 29.8 million. It is followed by Unitech (20.92 million), Bharti (18.48 million), Idea (11 million) and Suzlon (10.04 million).