M&M has gained 3.6% to Rs 562, Bhel is up 1.7% to Rs 1,444. Satyam has gained 0.8% to Rs 512. ICICI bank and Infosys are trading at 0.6% at Rs 781 and Rs 1,979, respectively.
TCS is trading 0.5% at Rs 982. HDFC bank, Ambuja Cements, Grasim and Jaiprakash Associates have gained less than half per cent.
Hindalco and Wipro have declined 1.6% at Rs 181 and Rs 528, respectively. Maruti is down 1.3% at Rs 762, HUL and HDFC are down 1.2% at Rs 237 and Rs 2,392, respectively.
DLF, Ranbaxy, NTPC, ONGC , Tata Steel, SBI and Cipla are the other losers.