Biocon has moved higher by 5.3% at Rs 414, its highest level since January 2011 on the BSE, after the company said it has entered into licensing and collaboration agreement with Quark Pharmaceuticals Inc for development of range of siRNA (small interfering RNA) based novel therapeutics.
The collaboration will enable Biocon to co-develop, manufacture & commercialize QPI-1007, a novel small interfering RNA (siRNA) drug candidate for ophthalmic conditions, for India and other key markets, Biocon said in a combined statement.
Biocon will have access to Quark's innovative and proprietary siRNA technology platform that can be leveraged for the development of novel therapeutics for various unmet medical needs, it added.
The collaboration will enable Biocon to co-develop, manufacture & commercialize QPI-1007, a novel small interfering RNA (siRNA) drug candidate for ophthalmic conditions, for India and other key markets, Biocon said in a combined statement.
Biocon will have access to Quark's innovative and proprietary siRNA technology platform that can be leveraged for the development of novel therapeutics for various unmet medical needs, it added.