Clariant Chemicals India has surged 12% to Rs 474 in late noon deals after the specialty chemicals maker said its board has approved the proposal to initiate the sale of land at Kolshet, Thane subject to the necessary approvals.
“The board also approved the proposal to consider and review options for relocating Masterbatch plant from Kolshet, Thane,” Clariant Chemicals said in BSE filing.
The stock opened at Rs 420 and touched high of Rs 488 on BSE. A combined 559,228 shares have changed hands on the counter till 1515 hours against an average sub 200,000 shares that were traded daily in past two weeks on BSE and NSE.
“The board also approved the proposal to consider and review options for relocating Masterbatch plant from Kolshet, Thane,” Clariant Chemicals said in BSE filing.
The stock opened at Rs 420 and touched high of Rs 488 on BSE. A combined 559,228 shares have changed hands on the counter till 1515 hours against an average sub 200,000 shares that were traded daily in past two weeks on BSE and NSE.