The exchanges had clocked a business of Rs 5,13,051 crore in the same period last year. There are 20 commodity bourses in the country, of which five are operating at national level.
Much of the first fortnight of April 2013's volumes were clocked on the national bourse MCX at Rs 7,01,247 crore, followed by NCDEX at Rs 6,892.35 crore, ICEX at Rs 6,579.79 crore, NMCE at Rs 6,041.88 crore and ACE Derivatives and Commodities at Rs 3,440.76 crore, commodity markets regulator FMC said in a statement.
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According to FMC data, the total turnover of exchanges from futures trade in energy items like crude oil more than doubled to Rs 1,85,725 crore during the first fortnight of the current month from Rs 83,006 crore in the same period a year ago.
Similarly, the turnover from bullion increased by 61% to Rs 3,84,511 crore from Rs 2,39,337 crore, while the business from metals like copper increased by 16% to Rs 1,31,342.90 crore from Rs 1,13,040 crore in the review period.
The turnover from agricultural items jumped by 11% to Rs 85,853 crore from Rs 77,667 crore.
During 2012-13 fiscal, the turnover of the exchanges fell by 6% to Rs 170.46 lakh crore.