Maize prices in Nizamabad are trading at Rs 1,530 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,500 per quintal in the current week tracking peak arrivals and subdued buying by end users at prevailing prices.
Barley prices in Jaipur market are trading at Rs 1,297 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade higher towards Rs 1,320 per quintal tracking limited feed barley stocks in the market and steady buying by end-users.
Maize prices in Nizamabad are trading at Rs 1,530 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,500 per quintal in the current week tracking peak arrivals and subdued buying by end users at prevailing prices.
Barley prices in Jaipur market are trading at Rs 1,297 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade higher towards Rs 1,320 per quintal tracking limited feed barley stocks in the market and steady buying by end-users.
Prerana Desai,
Vice-president-research - agri value chain, Edelweiss Integrated Commodity Management
Vice-president-research - agri value chain, Edelweiss Integrated Commodity Management